TWO Months already!
A quick update with lots of photos.
Stats: 10lbs 10oz, 22inches - growing wonderfully

Nicknames: Harp, Harps, Baby Harps
What's new:
You are starting to smile much more! Melts my heart.
You are beginning to coo.
You like your pacifier, a lot! A big win for this mommy. Addison hated hers.
Sleeping: 3 hour stretches are 'good'... but it's all okay for now. Let's just sleep longer very soon, mkay?
Eating: We are still nursing, nearly exclusively. I'm attempting to build a small stash for when I have sessions and have to leave you. You've taken a few bottles of expressed milk like a champ though!
Likes: Sleeping on mommy, eating, bouncy chair, swing, lightly swaddled with arm access :)
Dislikes: tummy aches/ burp bubbles, being overtired