My heart is starting to sink... thinking that the next month will be the big ONE. It's beyond bittersweet.. but I'll leave all my emotions for her 12 month update :)
This month has been even more fun. Addison loves to 'talk' now and of course she just has the cutest little voice. I can see her little mind trying to process and repeat words I tell her to say. Sometimes she gets close, but sometimes she just makes up her own babblish word. "DA DA" "Hiii" and "Buh Bye" are the clearest words she says. She says Hi to almost everyone in Target to the point where I try not to get too close to people or we'd be there all day! :)
She tries to say "baby" with full knowledge of the meaning but it comes out like "day day". And she is still overly obsessed with babies, including photos of herself. It's very cute though how excited she gets when she see's a baby photo.
She is not standing on her own or walking yet. I have seen her stand for a second or two on her own though she doesn't realize it, and she does walk along anything she can now. But main means of transportation is still crawling :) And that's fine by me! She will also try to climb up on her toys to get something, I'm not a fan of that.
Night are the same old typical Addison nights. Usually up 1-2 times every night to eat between 8pm and 7am. It's definitely exhausting, especially when she's teething and up at other times as well because she's in pain. Going to bed is usually very easy though. I simply put her in the crib, close the door, and if I hear anything from her it's just her talking to her stuffed animals before dozing off. And the mornings are usually the same. She will lay in bed for awhile just talking and rolling around.
She understands when I ask her "Where's your blankie?" and she goes to find it. She knows the meaning of food words like banana and cheese. She knows what I'm talking about when I say "let's go play" "let's go get a bath" "let's go wake up dada" "where's Roxy?" and many more. It's so cool, she really amazes me every day.
There's seriously nothing better than watching her grow as much as it tings my heart as each month passes.
I love this photo. Yes, it shows I need to wipe those dirty mirrors. But, I can't help but love the tiny hand print marks<3 p="p">
Addison & Daddy in his uniform<3 p="p">
And Mommy & Addison :)
Instagram favorites of the month:3>3>