Saturday, July 21, 2012

Newborn Goodness!

I have had so many newborns lately that I thought I'd share my favorites on here. They can be such tough cookies. I love working with them, but don't let their sweet faces fool you! Some are much more tolerable and sleepy then others and I've had my fair share of extremes. One little girl- I didn't even get to turn my camera on... but then another never opened her eyes in three hours. They are still a work in progress for me, I'm slowly getting to where I want to be- though I have a little ways to go :) I'd really love my own little newborn studio, but I'm just not 'there' quite yet! One day! Anyway, large share below!! Hope you have a great weekend!

Summer Newborns
Summer Newborns
Summer Newborns
Summer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer NewbornsSummer Newborns


Courtney @ One Fine Wire said...


Jessica said...

These are all so beautiful! Love them! My favorite is the one in the owl hat. :)

Tara said...

Newborns are my favorite to photograph!

are you using natural light for these or studio lighting?

They are all FABULOUS!!

Natalie said...

OH they're all gorgeous! I think I just got a touch of the fever :)

Kat said...

omg these are just AMAZING!!!!!!

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